Understandable Financial Reports

Business Advisory

Empowering you to set up financial reports which are easy to understand

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.”

Peter Drucker

You are the captain of the ship called your business. Like any captain, you need a dash board of indicators and gauges to tell you how your ship is tracking. Your bookkeeper gives you monthly profit and loss accounts and sometimes a balance sheet. More often than not, you do not believe the numbers or you get bogged down by the volume of data that you have to process.

You need help but do not know where to turn. When you ask your accountant, (s)he responds in a language you do not understand – your question is about your business performance and the answer is about the tax implications of what is happening.

We can help. Right from setting up the correct chart of accounts for your accounting to understanding which numbers to track, coaching your bookkeeper to prepare reports in a manner you can understand and meeting with you periodically to work through these numbers, we will make a difference.

A client dropped in a thank you note recently. It said:

Dear Aniket and Shannon

I just wanted to write you a quick note to thank you both so much

Not only for all you have done for us this year in particular but over all the years that we been together

With your whiteboard of boxes and arrows you have steered us gently and safely towards financial independence

We are so grateful

Aniket I am not sure if you realised that this has been my most challenging year ever both personally and professionally. There is no way I would have made it through without your kind pep talk and level headed advice

A huge hug and thank you for that as well

We wish you both a happy and joyful Christmas and fantastic move to your new building


You are the captain of the ship called your business. Like any captain, you need a dash board of indicators and gauges to tell you how your ship is tracking. Your bookkeeper gives you monthly profit and loss accounts and sometimes a balance sheet. More often than not, you do not believe the numbers or you get bogged down by the volume of data that you have to process.

You need help but do not know where to turn. When you ask your accountant, (s)he responds in a language you do not understand – your question is about your business performance and the answer is about the tax implications of what is happening.

We can help. Right from setting up the correct chart of accounts for your accounting to understanding which numbers to track, coaching your bookkeeper to prepare reports in a manner you can understand and meeting with you periodically to work through these numbers, we will make a difference.

A client dropped in a thank you note recently. It said:

“It’s better to hang out with people better than you. Pick out associates whose behaviour is better than yours and you’ll drift in that direction.”

Warren Buffet