Entries by Maroo Advisory

Spring 2024 Tax Bulletin

In This Issue Dealing with Family Trust Elections and Interposed Entity Elections when they close the loop too tightly Market Valuation – Dealing at Arm’s Length Voluntary Disclosure during review or audit – Why, When & How Personal Services Businesses falling foul of Part IVA ATO: Lifestyle Assets Data-Matching Program Dealing with Family Trust Elections […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – August 2024

In this issue When is a gift not a gift? Divorce, you, and your business The changes to how tax practitioners work with clients The rise in business bankruptcy When is a gift not a gift? The Tax Commissioner has successfully argued that more than $1.6m deposited in a couple’s bank account was assessable income, […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – July 2024

In this issue What’s ahead for 2024-25? $20k instant asset write-off passes Parliament Is your family home  really tax free? Earned an income from the sharing economy? What’s ahead for 2024-25? Will 2024-25 be another year of volatility or a return to stability? Personal tax & super As you would be aware (at least we […]

Winter 2024 Tax Bulletin

In This Issue Seeking Mercy from the ATO on Private Company Loans Employee Vs Independent Contractor Caution before adding your spouse to your home’s title Is it time to consider or revisit your Estate Plan? Seeking Mercy from the ATO on Private Company Loans The ATO is becoming less liberal in its application of the […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – June 2024

In this issue The essential 30 June guide ATO fires warning shot on trust distributions 5 million+ struggle with mortgage payments  What’s changing on 1 July 2024? The essential 30 June guide The end of the financial year is fast approaching. We outline the areas at risk of increased ATO scrutiny and the opportunities to […]

Tax Bulletin – 2024/25 Federal Budget

In This Issue Overview Personal Income Tax – Cost of Living Tax Cuts ATO’s Compliance Funding Measures Government to Extend Both Shadow Economy Compliance Program and Tax Avoidance Taskforce Small Business – Extension of $20,000 Instant Asset Write Off Capital Gains Tax (CGT) Changes for Foreign Residents Superannuation on Paid Parental Leave Other  Measures Overview […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – May 2024

In this issue Company money crackdown Accessing money in your SMSF Should you be the ‘bank of Mum & Dad’? Do your kids really want to take over your business? Company money crackdown The ATO is cracking down on business owners who take money or use company resources for themselves. It’s common for business owners […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – April 2024

In this issue Warning on SMSF asset valuation Budget 2024-25 The assault on professional services practices How much is my business worth? Non-compete clauses and worker restraints under review  Warning on SMSF asset valuations The ATO has issued a warning to trustees of SMSFs about sloppy valuation practices. ATO data analysis has revealed that over […]

Autumn 2024 Tax Bulletin

In This Issue Is a rental asset always excluded from being an Active Asset? Do sub-division activities amount to “Enterprise” for GST? ATO toughens its tax debt stance – GIC & SIC becoming non-deductible Is a rental asset always excluded from being an Active Asset? One of the basic conditions required to be able to […]

Maroo Monthly Insights – March 2024

In this issue The Fringe Benefit Tax traps The ATO Debt Dilemma Small business tax debt blows out How to take advantage of the 1 July super cap increase Revised stage 3 tax cuts confirmed for 1 July Getting back what you put in: Loans to get a business started The Fringe Benefit Tax traps […]